[CentOS] recompiling kernel results in error: .../linux-2.6.18.i686/arch//Makefile: No such file or directory

Mon May 21 07:54:01 UTC 2007
dcw <dwoody1 at charter.net>

Thanks for your quick reply.

I decided to give your workaround a try to see how the remainder of the 
process worked.

The process of rpmbuild -bp  or the make xconfig changed i686 to i386. I 
edited the SOURCE config file putting # i686 as the first line. Then I ran 
the rpmbuild -ba command. the // had been replaced with /i686/ but the 
Makefile was not found.

I will wait for additional comments.


On Monday 21 May 2007 1:03 am, Akemi Yagi wrote:
> On 5/20/07, dcw <dwoody1 at charter.net> wrote:
> > I have installed CentOS 5 with all updates. Also I have 2 ne2000 isa
> > cards.
> >
> > In recompiling the kernel, I have been trying to follow the instructions
> > on this URL: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Custom_Kernel
> >
> > The complete error message I get is:
> > Makefile:403:
> > /home/cs/redhat/BUILD/kernel-2.6.18/linux-2.6.18.i686/arch//Makefile: No
> > such file or directory
> Hi,
> Makefile is expected to be in .../arch/i686/ not .../arch// .
> I could reproduce the problem. I don't know where the source of the
> problem is, but I am sure we will hear from experts on this mailing
> list.  At the risk of getting reprimanded by KB, I will share my quick
> and dirty solution.
> Look at the first line of
> SOURCES/kernel-2.6.18-`uname -m`.config
> It's supposed to be # i686 (or in my case # x86_64).  ARCH is defined
> by this line (around line 1917) of .spec:
> Arch=`head -1 .config | cut -b 3-`  (.config comes from the above file)
> But the .config file has only a # on the first line.  Therefore, ARCH
> ends up with an empty string leading to an empty directory for
> Makefile.
> This means that the initial .config file in the BUILD directory was
> already wrong.
> So, a quick (temporary) solution is to change the # to # i686.  Not
> the right way, but if you must build your kernel now, you may need to
> resort to the manual editing method.  Otherwise, wait for real help.
> Akemi
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