On 5/23/07, Johnny Tan <jtan at limewire.com> wrote: > > Hmm, not sure about the password part of this... but is > SELinux enabled? If so, you might have to run restorecon on > the new /home directory. > No SELinux (it is disabled). > Also, you said you "think" permissions were preserved, but > it's better to be absolutely sure: when you "ls -la" any > user's home directory, they own every file/directory in > their home (including "hidden" ones like .gnome, etc)? > Everything is correct here - the user ids are all set up right. > Lastly, in Users & Groups applet, the home directories are > correct for each user? > Yes, that, too. I'm rebuilding the installation (again). -- Mark Hull-Richter DATAllegro (www.datallegro.com) 85 Enterprise, Second Floor, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 949-680-3082 - Office 949-680-3001 - fax