[CentOS] Re: Reformatting a USB drive

Fri May 25 03:56:23 UTC 2007
Todd Cary <todd at aristesoftware.com>

Scott -

Whoops!  In the past, I was RSYNCing to a backup/standby server and 
forgot to modify the command.

Thank you.....


Scott Silva wrote:
> Todd Cary spake the following on 5/24/2007 4:11 PM:
>> Jim -
>> Thank you!  That is exactly what I needed.  I had to make one change
>> though since I use rsync to copy the data to the USB drive: I could not
>> use vfat.  Instead, I used ext3.  With vfat, I got errors when it tried
>> to do a chmod (expected).
>> I do have another fs question though.  A couple of weeks ago I noticed
>> that the USB icon was not on my desktop when I turned the drive on.  Not
>> knowing any better, I ran my rsync with the following:
>> /usr/bin/rsync -av --exclude=".*" -e ssh /home/ /media/usbdisk/
>> And it went ahead and did it's thing *but* the drive was
>> inoperable...dead.  Where did the data go?
>> And I noticed with the new drive, if I turn it off, rsync puts the data
>> somewhere with
>> /usr/bin/rsync -av --exclude=".*" -e ssh /home/ /media/usbdisk1/
>> I need a FS 101 course!!
> You don't need the -e ssh command if you are copying locally. Just use
> /usr/bin/rsync -av  /home/ /media/usbdisk1/ --exclude=".*"
> As for your copy with an unmounted drive, the copy should have gone to
> /media/usbdisk .  Try a ls /media/usbdisk

Ariste Software
2200 D Street Ext
Petaluma, CA 94952
(707) 773-4523

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