[CentOS] restore to different hardware?

Thu Nov 1 21:04:31 UTC 2007
Les Mikesell <lesmikesell at gmail.com>

Is there a HOWTO or checklist that covers the typical steps to back up a 
working machine and restore it to a machine with different disk 
controllers and network cards?   I've muddled through it a time or two, 
sometimes rebuilding the initrd, sometimes doing a dummy install just to 
get a working /boot and modprobe.conf, sometimes copying the /boot 
partition from a machine with identical hardware and / from the one I 
want to restore, but I always forget some detail - like fixing 
modprobe.conf or fstab, or making sure that the kernel versions are at 
the same rev when copying /boot and / from different sources.

If there are other differences, they can be patched up fairly easily 
once the machine boots and is on the network.

   Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com