[CentOS] question about backup regimens

Thu Nov 8 17:56:50 UTC 2007
Toby Bluhm <tkb at MidwestInstruments.com>

Mark Snyder wrote:
> Tom Brown wrote:
>>> I need to recommend some backup options for a web server running 
>>> CentOS 4.1. The client prefers using a tape drive as their backup 
>>> device and has access to safe offsite storage. I was thinking of 
>>> system backups weekly and differential backups nightly but don't 
>>> know what software to recommend for the differential b/u's. For full 
>>> backups I can just schedule a tar and compress using cron.
>>> Any recommendations would be appreciated.
>> for me www.amanda.org everytime

I've used amanda for a number of years without a hitch. Simple to 
implement. Depending on how you set it up, an amanda tape can be 
restored using only native OS tools. Centos has amanda rpms, but I 
prefer to built it from tarball. Can also backup to disk (virtual tape)  
and tape raid.

Toby Bluhm
Midwest Instruments Inc.
30825 Aurora Road Suite 100
Solon Ohio 44139