[CentOS] Pre-built kernel 2.6.20 for CentOS 5?

Wed Nov 14 15:08:48 UTC 2007
Holtz,Robert <Robert.Holtz at edwardjones.com>

Compiling a new kernel isn't a one way trip.

Since you can boot multiple kernel images it's pretty easy to just
revert back to what was working.

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-----Original Message-----

From: centos-bounces at centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces at centos.org] On
Behalf Of Jim Perrin
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 9:04 AM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] Pre-built kernel 2.6.20 for CentOS 5?

On Nov 14, 2007 9:52 AM, Holtz,Robert <Robert.Holtz at edwardjones.com>
> Just download the source code for whatever version you need and 
> compile it yourself.  This isn't as painful as it sounds.

Yes, it really can be that painful and much moreso. Depending on how
it's built, all sorts of random issues will creep up. Anything from not
enough random data for ssh connections to function, to wtmp failure for
login records to application malfunction. We're not even talking about
future upgrades breaking because they rely on a particular kernel rpm
being installed (think iptables) or the complete lack of upgrade path
for security updates in the future. Rebuilding is a BAD idea.

It's much more sane to simply try to backport the module.

You're welcome to rebuild your own kernel all you want. However it's not
'recommended' advice. If it breaks, you get to keep all the pieces.

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