[CentOS] network interface activation order

Fri Nov 30 17:20:16 UTC 2007
Nicolas Thierry-Mieg <Nicolas.Thierry-Mieg at imag.fr>

Matt Hyclak wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 08:51:50AM -0800, John R Pierce enlightened us:
>> Graham Johnston wrote:
>>> I am using CentOS as a firewall/router.  I am using bonded interfaces,
>>> vlan interfaces, and bridge interfaces.  My problem currently is that on
>>> boot the system is attempting to activate the bridge interface before
>>> it's bonded-vlan members have been created.  What this means is that the
>>> bridge is created but not activated.
>>> Is there anyway for me to influence the activation order and have bridge
>>> interfaces dealt with last?
>> there's probably a better way to do this, but what I've done in the past 
>> is to create special firewall related kinda stuff like your'e describing 
>> in my own script thats run quite late in the init sequence, usually from 
>> rc2.d/S99myfirewall  or even from /etc/rc.d/rc.local
> Yes, there is probably a better way. My initial thought was to set ONBOOT=no
> for the bridge interfaces and then bring them up in an initscript or
> rc.local later.
> Looking at the network startup script (/etc/init.d/network), though, it
> looks like you can probably achieve the same effect simply by renaming the
> ifcfg-brX files to something like ifcfg-zbrX.
> There is a loop to bring up interfaces that looks like:
> # bring up all other interfaces configured to come up at boot time
>         for i in $interfaces; do
> and $interfaces is set just above by listing all files starting with ifcfg
> and snagging the end part (e.g. eth0 or br0).
> The loop figures out what kind of configuration it needs by reading the
> file, so I don't think it cares what it is named, as long as it is
> ifcfg-something. By renaming bridges to ifcfg-zbrX, it will come after
> ifcfg-vlanX and I think solve your problem.
> That was work, time for lunch :-)
> Matt

I don't think so

the initial loop is not activating bridge and vlan:

		if [ "$TYPE" = "Bridge" ]; then
		        bridgeinterfaces="$bridgeinterfaces $i"

		if [ "${DEVICE%%.*}" != "$DEVICE" ] ; then
			vlaninterfaces="$vlaninterfaces $i"

Then later:
	for i in $vlaninterfaces $bridgeinterfaces ...
	<snip a few lines>
		action $"Bringing up interface $i: " ./ifup $i boot

So, it should be bringing up your vlan interfaces before the bridges

do you have
in your bridge ifcfg file?