[CentOS] Local mirroring of the CentOS repos

Kai Schaetzl

maillists at conactive.com
Thu Oct 11 11:39:40 UTC 2007

Ross S. W. Walker wrote on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 14:47:07 -0400:

> Yes a lot of past versions are kept in the repo, but if you filter
> those out then it wouldn't be a "mirror" then?

Well, I'm just interested in the latest bits ;-)

> Be careful with the "repomd.xml" file, delete it before starting to
> mirror to make sure it doesn't get out-of-sync, because, at least on
> my end, I find that wget via http doesn't compare time stamps just
> sizes/names and the sha1 checksums are always the same length.

Thanks for alerting me on this, I will take a close look, although I'm using FTP
and it doesn't seem to happen there.

> wget -nH --cache=off --cut-dirs=4 -m -c -R gif,png,^index.html* -I
^/centos/$VERSION/updates/i386/ -P /Software/CentOS/$VERSION/updates/i386

I'm using FTP. When I started with HTTP wget immediately stopped with the 
robots.txt as this hadn't changed between retrievals. I'm using a very simple
command line:
wget --mirror ftp://....


Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany
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