[CentOS] Howto reconfigure / rebuild CentOS 5 LiveCD

Mon Oct 15 13:36:53 UTC 2007
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

Mark Pryor wrote:
> John,
> this may be helpful:
> http://www.nanotechnologies.qc.ca/propos/linux/centos-live/i386/live/
>     Hi,
>     I like to add some of my own utilities, etc.. to the CentOS 5.0 LiveCD.
>     IOW I am looking for a way to rebuild the livecd for specific purposes.
>     Can someone reach me handle where to start?
>     The only thing I've found so far is the out-of-the-box iso.

I would like to point out that this MIGHT be how we build the livecd for
CentOS-5.1 (I would even say PROBABLY will be) ... however it was not
how the livecd for CentOS-5.0 was produced.

It might help you in your particular efforts though.

Johnny Hughes

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