[CentOS] 2 nics, 2 networks, 2 switches

Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu

m3freak at thesandhufamily.ca
Wed Sep 19 21:25:31 UTC 2007

On Wed, 2007-09-19 at 13:52 -0700, John R Pierce wrote:
> are there OTHER networks on the WAN accessed via B's gateway/router ?   
> network A's gateway is the internet route?

I suppose I should have mentioned that both networks are internal.  They
can each get out to the Internet, though.

network A's gateway is the route to the rest of the network.  It's
fairly complicated, and I don't know it all.  Basically, network B's
gateway is to get to everything else in B and other networks accessible
from B.  network A's gateway is to get to everything in A, and other
networks accessible from A (which isn't a lot since it's in a DMZ).

> if B's gateway has routes to the rest of 10.x.x.x, I'd just define a 
> static route like -> B's gateway/router's IP, and leave the 
> DEFAULT gateway as network A's internet/DMZ router.

Yes, B's gateway has routes to the rest of 10.x.x.x, and more.  Leaving
the default gateway as network A's should be okay.  I'll have to try



Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu
Linux i686 GNU/Linux 
17:20:35 up 19 days, 15:44, 4 users, load average: 1.51, 0.51, 0.18 

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