[CentOS] Central file server advice please

Thu Sep 20 21:58:27 UTC 2007
John Bowden <j-alan at btconnect.com>

Hi List
I have a Gygabyte GA-7N400 PRO2 with a 2.6 mHz Athlon cpu. I want to set up a 
central file storage for 2/3 users using 6/7 machines. A mixture of win2k, XP 
and various Linux distros (my home network). It will be used to store files, 
(docs, music and DVD ) for all of these machines, print server, (two 
ink-jets), mail server and later on  a myth tv set up. Would SAMBA be the 
best option for the file and print serving ?
The mother board has 2 X IDE channels, 2 X IDE channels with raid and 2 X SATA 
raid channels, that's up to 10 hard drive devices. The IDE raid chip is a 
GigaRaid IT8212F chipset. It supports raid 0 or raid 1 and raid 0 + 1 and 
JBOD. The SATA raid is a Silicon Image Sil3512. It supports Raid 0 or 1. 
Would I get better speed performance using the chips to manage the raid or 
using software raid?
Oh and I will be using the CentOS 5 install dvd. Any advice from the list 
would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance, John
Guy Fawkes, the only man to enter the house's of Parliament
with honest intentions, (he was going to blow them up!)
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