[CentOS] OT: 4 dual cores agains 2 quad cores

Sat Sep 1 02:51:17 UTC 2007
Erick Perez <eaperezh at gmail.com>

Hi people,
Do you have pointers to web documents that help me make comparisons
between buying a server with two quad core 2.33 ghz or buying a 4 dual
core 2ghz server?
I am trying to answer a question of performance. It is not important
the redundancy/failover or the price of the server. Just the
obviously all the hardware specs are the same, the question is the CPU.

Erick Perez
Panama Sistemas
Integradores de Telefonia IP y Soluciones Para Centros de Datos
Panama, Republica de Panama
Cel Panama. +(507) 6694-4780