[CentOS] Random Reboots

Wed Sep 5 21:48:03 UTC 2007
Steven Vishoot <sir_funzone at yahoo.com>


I am noticing that my server is randomly
rebooting,(since i have keeping an eye on it, the
server has rebooted two or three times in the last
week before this i am not sure how long this has been
going on) has anyone else experience any troubles with
kernel 2.6.9-55.0.2.ELsmp. I am going to try to use
the previous kernel to see if i still having these
problems but still wondering if i am only one that is
having this creep up on. 

my other question where can i look (logs, files,
Directories) or something to install to see what is
causing these reboots.

thanks for all your wise wisdom.

Xeon 2.8hz
1.5 gig memory
centos 4.5


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