[CentOS] Document Scanning and Storage

Wed Sep 12 23:25:43 UTC 2007
Dennis McLeod <dmcleod at foranyauto.com>

Thanks. I've considered that. It'd be a steep learning curve for me.
I have yet to get the two working together (PHP and a db), although I did
manage to cobble together a php search page for my LDAP server... (I'm an
old MCSE, that only recently converted...)
I'll start reading....

-----Original Message-----
From: centos-bounces at centos.org [mailto:centos-bounces at centos.org] On Behalf
Of gjgowey at tmo.blackberry.net
Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2007 4:19 PM
To: CentOS mailing list
Subject: Re: [CentOS] Document Scanning and Storage

Depending on how complex a management system you want you could write a
small custom management system using only a few php files and a db backend
(I would suggest postgres).


Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Dennis McLeod" <dmcleod at foranyauto.com>

Date: Wed, 12 Sep 2007 16:08:50
To:<centos at centos.org>
Subject: [CentOS] Document Scanning and Storage

I'd like to start scanning our boxed up documents. I'd say about 30,000
files total.
Mostly to eliminate the boxes of paper we have.
I'd like to scan them, store them, Have some sort of index, and be able to
retrieve them on multiple machines. I think PDF would be the desired format.
I'd like be able to set some permissions as well. (not a deal breaker...)
I've searched Sourceforge, and have seen knowledgetree, myDMS, contineo,
etc, but really would like to hear from someone that is using something
Of course, I use Centos, so.....

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