[CentOS] MS SQL server

Fri Sep 14 23:37:14 UTC 2007
gjgowey at tmo.blackberry.net <gjgowey at tmo.blackberry.net>

Php.  I've written a few shell scripts in php before that do db tasks.  Then there's also java.  


Sent from my BlackBerry wireless handheld.

-----Original Message-----
From: "Tony Barratt" <tbarratt at mibtree.com>

Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 00:28:51 
To:<centos at centos.org>
Subject: [CentOS] MS SQL server

Hello List,

I need to access some data a MS-SQL server ie run a stored procedure or
user-defined function or a select every so often maybe 3 times a day.
Have centos 4.5 on intel xeon. Is there an obvious certain-to-succeed

perl DBI + ODBC spings to mind, have not tried it yet - cannot access the
systems yet - need to make a good plan.
Am a bit concerned cos I dont know of an alternative to perl DBI + ODBC and
I have heard a few anecdotes about how ODBC possibly problematic..

Any suggestions gratefully received and would be pleased to read the nice
manual (if one is identified!).


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