[CentOS] Re: Central file server advice please

Tue Sep 25 14:24:48 UTC 2007
Mark Foster <mark at foster.cc>

John Bowden wrote:
> What can I use to benchmark the different raid set ups. I could do an all 
> software raid trial and then an all hardware raid set up, (fresh install each 
> time) and find out which is the best for my set up. Bear in mind I still 
> think of myself as a Linux newbie (and a CentOS virgin), but keen to learn 
> and the best way of learning is to roll up my sleeves and get my hands dirty.
I recommend bonnie++ and spew, both of which are available in the 
rpmforge repo.

Said one park ranger, 'There is considerable overlap between the 
 intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists.'
Mark D. Foster, CISSP <mark at foster.cc>  http://mark.foster.cc/