[CentOS] Re: CentOS 4.5 system doesn't boot after installing latest updates

Tue Sep 25 21:12:56 UTC 2007
Alfred von Campe <alfred at von-campe.com>

> Anyways, my suggestion is to check all the drives in your system  
> for said files as mentioned.  If they are there, but not where grub  
> is looking for you may have to make changes.

My system started its life with one drive and CentOS 4.3, and has  
been "yum updated" and is now at CentOS 4.5.  I also added one  
additional drive to it over the last 18 months.  The only time it has  
failed to boot was when I accidentally initialized the /boot  
partition.  I believe this was an anomaly (something corrupted the  
MBR).  I will soon find out when I do the "yum update" to the other  
27 CentOS systems I manage if the update is indeed the culprit (I  
doubt it).
