[CentOS] XMMS on CentOS 5

Wed Sep 26 04:36:13 UTC 2007
jarmo <oh1mrr at nic.fi>

Paul kirjoitti viestissään (lähetysaika keskiviikko, 26. syyskuuta 2007 

> Fedora does not have it anymore in core ... it got shoved off to extras.
> Other distros have dropped it also as it's gotten so out of date with
> requirements for old libs.
> I XMMS was a favorite of mine as I was an old WINAMP user, but I finally
> gave up and use Totem or Rhythmbox instead.
> Paul

I have installed XMMS to centos 5 and it's working fine...
For nostalgy or some other reasons... Totem and Rythm... Per-
sonally don't like... Amarok yes, but as long XMMS works,
using that...
