[CentOS] OT: 4 dual cores agains 2 quad cores

Sat Sep 1 08:27:42 UTC 2007
Sebastian Walter <sebastian.walter at fu-berlin.de>


performance measurement is always strongly dependent on the kind of 
computation you are performing. So to really find out, you need to do 
benchmarks with the programs you want to run.

If the price is not important, I would buy four quad cores with each 
3GHz per server.


Erick Perez wrote:
> Hi people,
> Do you have pointers to web documents that help me make comparisons
> between buying a server with two quad core 2.33 ghz or buying a 4 dual
> core 2ghz server?
> I am trying to answer a question of performance. It is not important
> the redundancy/failover or the price of the server. Just the
> performance.
> obviously all the hardware specs are the same, the question is the CPU.