[CentOS] Centos 5 or 5.0

Thu Sep 6 13:40:33 UTC 2007
Phil Schaffner <Philip.R.Schaffner at NASA.gov>

On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 10:15 -0300, Centos wrote:
> Hello
> I am downloading Centos, but I don't know What is the difference between 
> Centos 5 and Centos 5.0

None, currently.  5 is a link pointing to the latest 5.x release, and
until 5.1 hits the streets, "max[x] = 0".

> also as far as I remember any rpm or file ending with 64 designed for 
> AMD 64 bit,
> can I install CentOS-5.0-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso on Intel 64 bit as well ?

As long as it is not IA64.


For a server, x86_64 is probably a no-brainer.  For a desktop, if you
want to avoid issues with browser 32-bit plugins, etc. and don't NEED
the 64-bit, may want to stick with i386 release.
