[CentOS] Accidentally removed glibc & glibc-devel :: Help

Wed Sep 12 04:34:48 UTC 2007
Craig White <craigwhite at azapple.com>

On Wed, 2007-09-12 at 13:53 +1000, geekylucas wrote:
> Hi,
> I attempted to ugprade glibc & glibc-devel and ended up removing them
> entirely by accident.  *idiot*
> What are the steps needed to get glibc back onto my system.
> Absolutely nothing is working at the moment, rpm, yum, etc.  I presume
> I'm going to have to boot from a rescue CD of some kind.
> If someone could outline how to do this, or point me to some docs I
> would be most grateful.  (CentOS 4.3)
copy them over from another system running CentOS 4.3 (isn't that a bit
old now?)
