On Friday 14 September 2007, R P Herrold wrote: > On Fri, 14 Sep 2007, Lamar Owen wrote: > > If someone would like to donate a midsized 208VAC-capable > > (single-phase OK, but has to be 208 and not 240, or at least > > jumperable) UPS to the effort, about a 3000VA unit or so, > > that would help matters considerably! > > As it turns out, I _may_ actually have two idle units, which I > think can be so configured, with SNMP card, about which > Liebert kindly donated to the local LUG ( http://www.colug.net/ ), > before Liebert were bought by Emerson Electric (I think -- I > fergit; /me looks at Google -- yup) ... probably need new > batteries, but ... Yeah, I'd just need to know what kind of batteries. If the things ran on 48VDC I know how to make that work with my telecom 48VDC setup, assuming they don't mind the positive ground. If 60VDC I can take the necessary 5 12V 12-270's out of the Controlled Power beast easily enough. > hmmmm --- Google Maps says PARI is south and east of the > Smokey Mt Natl Park, on the NC side by what looks like 50 > miles of winding mountain road off I-40 -- probably to cut > down on ambient nearby radio noise, it is kinda out in the > middle of nowhere. Yes, it is. See www.pari.edu for better shots than what you'll find on Google Earth; the GoogleEarth detail is cut back badly. Terraserver has good visuals, though. > Wonder what the freight will be on the chassis' -- I'll go to > the locker, get model numbers, pull the batteries for a part > number, and look into the price of a delivered replacement > set. Freight on the 120V APC SmartUPS 3000RM5U's that I have was a little over $100 each, Old Dominion, batteries included. I got them on eBay for $225 each; got a grant that covered new battery packs, and have five good working units (out of six purchased). Wish I had the twin 225KVA units the site's previous occupants took with them...or the 600V 1320Ah battery bank to bring the 500KVA Piller back up....at least they left the three 125KVA Leibert PDU's. I'm going to make the attempt to power the 3006 up tomorrow (I have maintenance windows on Saturdays); we'll see what comes of things then. -- Lamar Owen Chief Information Officer Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute 1 PARI Drive Rosman, NC 28772 (828)862-5554 www.pari.edu