[CentOS] Reconfiguring gnome desktop

Wed Sep 19 18:52:01 UTC 2007
Alfred von Campe <alfred at von-campe.com>

> Please - how do I reconfigure my gnome desktop (CentOS 4.4) to get  
> back
> my application icons and workspaces? Something's changed in the  
> settings
> so that there are no workspaces shown in the panel and applications
> "disappear" off the screen when applications (eg Evolution, Mozilla  
> etc)
> are minimized!

Just right click on the lower panel (the grey area at the bottom of  
the screen) and select "Add to Panel...".  The items you are looking  
for are named "Window List" and "Workspace Switcher".  If you don't  
even have the lower panel, right click on the top panel and select  
"New Panel".
