[CentOS] Re: webmin

Thu Sep 20 16:44:28 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Hiep Nguyen spake the following on 9/20/2007 9:36 AM:
> hi there, i just insalled centos 4.5 minimal, but want to use yum to 
> install webmin?  anybody know how??
> i try: yum install webmin but not found.
> thanks,
> T. Hiep
I see it on Dag Wieers repo, but it is way out of date.
I would just download and install it. You can update it from inside webmin 
after it is running, and if you want to update a bunch of systems, you can set 
up clustering and update all of them from there at once.


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