[CentOS] Central file server advice please

Fri Sep 21 15:06:03 UTC 2007
Joshua Baker-LePain <jlb17 at duke.edu>

On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 at 10:58pm, John Bowden wrote

> I have a Gygabyte GA-7N400 PRO2 with a 2.6 mHz Athlon cpu. I want to set up a
> central file storage for 2/3 users using 6/7 machines. A mixture of win2k, XP
> and various Linux distros (my home network). It will be used to store files,
> (docs, music and DVD ) for all of these machines, print server, (two
> ink-jets), mail server and later on  a myth tv set up. Would SAMBA be the
> best option for the file and print serving ?

Samba for file serving, CUPS for print serving -- both Win2K and XP can 
handle IPP.

> The mother board has 2 X IDE channels, 2 X IDE channels with raid and 2 X SATA
> raid channels, that's up to 10 hard drive devices. The IDE raid chip is a
> GigaRaid IT8212F chipset. It supports raid 0 or raid 1 and raid 0 + 1 and
> JBOD. The SATA raid is a Silicon Image Sil3512. It supports Raid 0 or 1.
> Would I get better speed performance using the chips to manage the raid or
> using software raid?

Without digging out the specs of those cards, I'd lean heavily towards 
software RAID, mainly for ease of management and compatibility.

Joshua Baker-LePain
QB3 Shared Cluster Sysadmin