[CentOS] Re: vmware server 1.0.4 and centos 4.5 i386 install

Mon Sep 24 18:32:46 UTC 2007
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

Jerry Geis spake the following on 9/24/2007 11:12 AM:
> Hi all,
> I tried to install centos 4.5 i386 as a guest on an AMD x2 machine today.
> It told me it did not find any install media. I had created an 8G disk 
> for it.
> Is there a SCSI driver I need to "Add" when prompted? I have never used 
> and dont know which SCSI controller vmware is emulating.
> What driver do I need to load?
> I was then surprised some time later when my machine locked up. Typically
> my machine is fine. only thing different is today I install vmware 
> server 1.0.4.
> After the reboot it has been fine again - but I have not restarted vmware.
> Thanks,
> Jerry
VMWare emulates 2 different scsi controllers, LSI logic and Buslogic. The 
trouble is that the default in VMWare is Buslogic, while the RedHat based 
distros no longer ship with that driver. You need to create the disk image 
using the LSILogic controller, which you can select if you use custom instead 
of typical when you create your VM image.


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