[CentOS] Re: mdadm problem.

Tue Sep 25 17:25:53 UTC 2007
David Mackintosh <David.Mackintosh at xdroop.com>

On Tue, Sep 25, 2007 at 09:56:34AM -0700, Scott Silva wrote:

> The partitions need to be type fd (raid autodetect) to work properly on 
> boot. It is much easier to set this up in the initial install.

/me slaps head
That's even in my notes, but I skipped it because I thought "I don't have
to mess around with fdisk any more because I can use the sfdisk trick!"

My own fault for going too fast.


/ /()\ \ David Mackintosh | 
         dave at xdroop.com  | http://www.xdroop.com
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