On 9/27/07, Akemi Yagi <amyagi at gmail.com> wrote: > On 9/27/07, Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com> wrote: > > On 9/27/07, Ralph Angenendt <ra+centos at br-online.de> wrote: > > > umair shakil wrote: > > > > and also tell u r login as root user???? > > > > > > Why should that be of any interest? > > > > To evaluate the potential success of a rootkit? Since I've been told before that sarcasm is unbecoming (though damn funny), I'll explain a bit further. Running ./configure and make as root can open your system to potential threats if you're not careful. While somewhat unlikely, there may be a root kit in the code, which building as root triggers. The bigger threat comes from errors in the Makefile, or the code itself, such that an errant cleanup script during the build process does an rm -rf /* instead of an rm -rf $buildroot/* or some other similar flawed command. Building as a normal user may also clue you in to other flaws in the code, such as an inability to function for users other than root, linking to a directory where it doesn't need access, etc. > As already pointed out by two big boys... when running: Hey! I'm not that big! Besides, I've exercising lately, and eating more things that eat vegetables. Got to keep my computer muscles in shape dammit! -- During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. George Orwell