[CentOS] Waking up X

Thu Sep 27 17:07:14 UTC 2007
semi linux <linuxsemi at gmail.com>

On 9/27/07, Bart Schaefer <barton.schaefer at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/26/07, semi linux <linuxsemi at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I just finished installing CentOS 5 (again)... and I'm having trouble
> > with my X config (I _think_).
> >
> > If I 'startx' then switch to a console (using CTRL+ALT+F*) and then
> > back to X (CTRL+ALT+F7), 1/2 the time it comes back, the other half I
> > get a black screen and I can never recover the session.
> Under normal circumstances with a CentOS 5 install you should not need
> to run "startx" because GDM will already be running on console F7.
> Did you do something to disable GDM?  If not, might it be that you
> have two X11 sessions battling for the same virtual console?

I'm running a highly customized kickstarted install... GDM and a bunch
of other daemons/servers are turned off... there is no other X running
before I type startx.... thanks for the suggestion though - I hadn't
actually thought of that one.

- G.