I get these two errors when I upgrade to the current 5 base. centos-release-5-0.0.el5.centos.2 CentOS release 5 (Final) file /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo from install of centos-release-5 -1.0.el5.centos.1 conflicts with file from package centos-yumconf-4-4.5 file /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources from install of centos-release-5- 1.0.el5.centos.1 conflicts with file from package up2date-4.4.67-4.centos4 I think this setup is an inplace-upgrade from 4 to 5, it's been offline for some months, now I'm resurrecting it. CentOS-Base.repo was edited by me to point to a local repo. I haven't ever seen this to be a problem. Is yumconf from CentOS4? up2date-4.4.67-4.centos4 seems to be coming from CentOS 4? Maybe I should just remove both packages before update as they don't seem to be part of centOS 5? (at least I don't have them on 5 installs) I wonder why this wasn't a problem when going from 4 to 5, though. Kai -- Kai Schätzl, Berlin, Germany Get your web at Conactive Internet Services: http://www.conactive.com