[CentOS] SSH Question relating to Public and Private Keys

Tue Apr 15 15:24:42 UTC 2008
Ingemar Nilsson <init at kth.se>

Fajar Priyanto wrote:
> On Tuesday 15 April 2008 16:13:55 William L. Maltby wrote:
>> How sensitive is the data and how critical are the functions that that
>> could be disrupted? What is the scope of exposure to intrusion from
>> outside the organization (LAN, firewalls, in place, etc.).
> For example rsync functions.
> It won't work automatically anymore in cron if we use passphrase.

Do you know what command rsync will run on the remote host? If you do, 
you can create a key pair without a passphrase and add the public key to 
the remote host, along with a forced command. This will allow the client 
with the corresponding private key to run this command only.
