[CentOS] Kickstart network settings problem

Tue Apr 22 15:11:46 UTC 2008
Ray Van Dolson <rvandolson at esri.com>

On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 12:47:39PM +0100, Plant, Dean wrote:
> I would like one of my kickstart scripts to prompt for disk and
> networking only. Commenting out the disk and network settings makes the
> installer prompt for disk settings but not for network settings, they
> default to DHCP. Any idea's how to fix this?

I'm assuming you are using CentOS 5 here.  I'm not sure why upstream
disabled this feature -- it was very useful to be able to use kickstart
with a DHCP IP address initially, but still be prompted for network
information during the installer portion later (as it did in RHEL4).



In addition, I have an RFE in with Upstream to re-add this feature and
I believe it's slated for inclusion in 5.2 with the --bootproto=query

The attachment there however:


patches Anaconda to not skip the network step during installation.
I've been using this successfully here to "do what I need" while
waiting for the official fix.

You can include this in an updates.img file and have it loaded
automatically on installs.
