[CentOS] dmidecode for CentOS 2.1? [hardware serial number and type]

Fri Apr 25 12:45:35 UTC 2008
Simon Jolle <urandomdev at gmail.com>

On Fri, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:26 PM, James Pearson
<james-p at moving-picture.com> wrote:
>  You might be able to run dmidecode from CentOS 3

>  I can run dmidecode taken from the CentOS3 kernel-utils RPM on an old
> Redhat 7.2 box, so it might work on a CentOS 2.1 box.

>  You can download the RPM from:
> <http://isoredirect.centos.org/centos/3/os/i386/RedHat/RPMS/kernel-utils-2.4-8.37.15.i386.rpm>

Hi James

Thank you, I am happy that I don't need to go in data center :-)


XMPP: sjolle at swissjabber.org