[CentOS] How to handle updates after rebuilding PHP?

Tue Apr 29 12:28:20 UTC 2008
Niki Kovacs <contact at kikinovak.net>

Johnny Hughes a écrit :

> Notice the .el5 in our (and RedHat's) build.  The one with a .el5 is 
> "greater than" the one without .el5, so RPM wants to replace the lower 
> version (yours, without the .el5) with the higher version (ours, with 
> .el5).
> What you need to do (if there is a %{?dist} in the "Release" string) is 
> to create a .rpmmacros file in the "home" directory of the user that you 
> use to build RPMS with, and in that file, use a "dist" tag that starts 
> with something that is "greater than" .el5  ... it could be .kv, .kovac, 
> or .el5.kv ... etc.
> The line would look like:
> %dist .el5.kv

Thank you very much for your detailed explanation. I tried out what you 
suggested, and it works as expected!

> If you are building as root, you also want to probably change that as 
> bad things can happen as root if an RPM is not properly written (bad 
> things as in it can install things to the system when it builds).  Here 
> is an example of how to build as a non root user:
> http://www.owlriver.com/tips/non-root/

Usually - on my Arch system - I build things as normal user. But if it's 
only for rebuilding CentOS SRPMS from [base], I don't bother to setup a 
build environment for a normal user.

But I know what you mean: I've been using Slackware for a few years, 
where my habit was to write and use SlackBuild scripts as root... I 
remember very well how it felt doing an rm -rf $TMP/ with an unset TMP 
variable :oD
