[CentOS] case insensitive file system

Wed Apr 30 14:49:14 UTC 2008
Ruslan Sivak <russ at vshift.com>

Steven R. Ringwald wrote:
> On Wednesday 30 April 2008 07:29:25 am Ruslan Sivak wrote:
>> Jim Perrin wrote:
>>> On Wed, Apr 30, 2008 at 10:07 AM, Ruslan Sivak <russ at vshift.com> wrote:
>>> Does the entire filesystem need to be case insensitive, or is this a
>>> web based product, where you can do some apache rewrite-fu to make
>>> this work instead?
>> It is a web based product, but I'm not sure rewriterules would help.
>> Lets say it's something like this
>> http://www.domain.com/index.php?action=foo
>> And inside index.php it does something like
>> <? include($_GET['page'].".php") ?>
>> This is a gross simplification, but it's my understanding that if the
>> file was named 'foo.php' and someone typed in
>> http://www.domain.com/index.php?action=Foo
>> It would still work on windows, but not on linux because of case
>> sensitivity.
> there is always strtolower and strtoupper, since you are using PHP.
> Steve

I'm not using PHP, this was just an example.  I am considering using 
something like strtolower, but then I would have to have all the 
included files in lowercase, and I believe they are in camelcase now.
