[CentOS] atrpms nvidia cannot load

Tue Apr 1 17:31:39 UTC 2008
John <jses27 at gmail.com>

On Tue, 2008-04-01 at 17:03 +0200, Niki Kovacs wrote:
> John a écrit :
> > 
> > He built it like so:
> Me built it almost like so.
> > #telinit 3 
> > #sh nvidia-linux-version-number
> > #then you get a text gui
> > #he let it build the kernel module
> > #then it asks do you want to me to update you xorg.conf.
> > #selected yes
> selected no. I always edit xorg.conf by hand anyway, and I never let any 
> installer do any editing.
> > #thats it 
> > #reboot
> > #rebuild it again on the next kernel update.
> No, you don't have to. Update the kernel, and the module from the 
> previous kernel automagically gets copied to /lib/modules/`uname 
> -r`/weak-updates/
> This is also true for some other modules I build by hand, like rt61.ko. 
> So no need to use DKMS :oD

But understand this now. When you do that your not building against the
newest kernel. Thus you will have inconsistent modulesand run into
problems. It is meant to work by building against the newest kernel. I
don't see the real point in that from a security standpoint in having
reliable kernel modules.

Sorry but in my mind that is pure laziness in doing so. That's the cheap
way out. """I would never introduce that idea to someone new to
Unix/Linux.""" That just a bad way to start off. Do it right the first
time. Thats like squandering an old scsi driver from an older 2.6 kermel
and modprobing it to the new kernel and hope like hell it works!. Theres
a reasing Older Drivers are not in there and I think you know why.
> Cheers,
> Niki
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