[CentOS] yum dependency problem

Sat Apr 5 10:20:23 UTC 2008
Rudi Ahlers <Rudi at SoftDux.com>

Johnny Hughes wrote:
> Rudi Ahlers wrote:
> <snip>
>> Probably because "rpm -e {package name}" and "yum remove {package 
>> name}" does different things.
>> I'd suggest run yum remove openoffice.org-core && yum clean all
> They don't really do different things to the rpm database.
> yum erase/remove will ALSO solve for and remove dependencies (other 
> things that need to be removed that depend on the packages you want to 
> remove).
> HOWEVER ... yum is nothing more than a depsolver and front end that 
> uses rpm to do it's actions, so it is NOT different that rpm -e (it 
> uses rpm -e) when removing files.
Oh, I thought yum had a different cache / database of what is installed?


Kind Regards
Rudi Ahlers
CEO, SoftDux

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