[CentOS] yum dependency problem

Sat Apr 5 12:03:59 UTC 2008
Stephen Harris <lists at spuddy.org>

On Sat, Apr 05, 2008 at 01:45:59PM +0200, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
> but then Fred's machine shouldn't have tried to update openoffice?

Yes it would, because he installed _different_ RPMs of the same name from
a different source.

As the OP wrote:
  >>>I recently removed (rpm -e) all the openoffice packages (2.0.4) from
  >>>Centos and replaced them with Sun's packages for openoffice 2.4. Works

This is, essentially, the same sort of issue as dealing with multiple
repositories; if you install package "X" from a different source then
you need to tell yum to stop maintaining that package.

