[CentOS] Re: DKMS

Sun Apr 6 22:36:23 UTC 2008
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

on 4-5-2008 12:26 PM John spake the following:
> On Sat, 2008-04-05 at 20:02 +0100, Alan Bartlett wrote:
>> On 05/04/2008, Les Mikesell <lesmikesell-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at public.gmane.org> wrote:
>>         On the command line, if you saved the commands - or got them
>>         from an instructional listing in the first place, you just
>>         paste the same set of commands into a terminal window.
>> Three comments from me:
>> (1) Regarding what Les wrote (above), I can say that the three Wiki
>> "Kernel" HowTos have been written in such a way that the command lines
>> shown in those articles *can* be copied (from a GUI) and pasted (into
>> a CLI/TUI). I'm sure that same is true for many other WIki articles.
>> (2) We must not loose sight of what CentOS basically is. CentOS ==
>> RHEL less RH. A stable, server orientated OS. On the fora, we often
>> see evidence that CentOS is believed to be similar to *other* distros
>> (that are more suitable for laptops & "home" use) and that it, CentOS,
>> can be loaded onto typical laptops or home PCs. Then the grumbling
>> starts about the non-operation of a bottom-of-the-range NIC or video
>> controller or how multi-media doesn't work straight out of the box.
>> The complaints that really irritate me are those that end with
>> ". . . . whilst 'foo' (or 'bar' or 'xyzzy' or 'y2') runs o.k. on my
>> hardware. So why doesn't CentOS?"
> "So why doesn't CentOS?" CentOS is for High End Server Hardware. The
> most attracted feature it has to a new user is "my computer has been
> running for a whole week. "Stability" Windows begs for that.
> The most disliked option for CentOS that I see was the option to not do
> a spin of the Client, Workstation and Server versions. Ohh, how it was
> so easy for me to tell a client get the Workstation version and Select
> install everything. I guess the reason for doing so was not enough
> resources.
> Similar to other Distros: CentOS Does not even begin to compare to the
> usability of Ubuntu. But what can you say? Ubuntu is backed by a Multi
> Million Dollar Company.
> Multimedia: I'll save that one for later. :-) I have an idea for that...
>> (3) The CentOS-docs list. Anne, the last item I received was dated
>> April 3rd.
But the last "high end servers" I bought did not have exotic and newest of the 
new hardware. They had fairly low end graphics with no need for 3d or even 
opengl support. The HP servers I have bought just worked with CentOS. Sure I 
could go to their website and download a driver disk, but it was not needed. 
CentOS even worked with the Compaq SAS raid controller.

What is probably more frustrating to newbies is their buying of a desktop 
board and filling it with memory and trying to call it a server. That is a big 
difference to actual server hardware.

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