[CentOS] ssl and NameVirtualHost

Wed Apr 9 22:25:55 UTC 2008
Tony Schreiner <schreian at bc.edu>

Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> Tony Schreiner wrote on Wed, 9 Apr 2008 15:29:16 -0400:
>> I was under the (obviously mistaken) impression that one certificate  
>> per hostname was the rule. and I created the certificate with the  
>> hostname I want to use; which is resolvable; and reachable with  
>> regular http over port 80. And that is the only SSL enabled site I  
>> want to use on this server.
> I didn't say anything that should make you believe this would not work. 
> Why do you think that? I just explained that if you want to have *more* 
> SSL vhosts than you either need more IP addresses or use the same 
> certificate (wildacrd) for all of them. If you just want to have one SSL 
> site your are fine.
> However, you didn't provide any of the information I asked for. You are 
> not talking of www.bc.edu, do you?
> Kai
ok, ok.

