[CentOS] snmpd wont start on CentOS 4.4?

Thu Apr 10 12:17:35 UTC 2008
Gustavo Gouvea <gustavo at scire.coppe.ufrj.br>

Hi Jonny,

Yes, I did the reboot. "getenforce" shows "disabled".
The funny is that, issuing the start command it says "OK".

Even in the logs:
Apr 10 12:12:44  localhost snmpd: snmpd startup succeeded
Apr 10 12:12:44  localhost snmpd[6673]: NET-SNMP version 5.1.2

But still, there is no process running...

Any other tip?
Thanks again.

> Gustavo wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> Ive searched the arqchives, but didnt find anything like this.. Maybe im
>> missing some trick here...
>> The problem:
>> I've instaled snmpd and snmp-utils packages with yum.
>> Im using and old simple .conf file, i've been using on my fedora 1 box,
>> but when I try to start snmpd, it just says OK, (Starting
>> snmpd..........[OK]), but the service dont work at all. I dont see any
>> process running with "ps".
>> Ive checked the logs, and found that it could be related to SE Linux and
>> I
>> tryed to disable it, but it still doesnt work.
>> Im not using iptables localy, so, its not iptables related.
>> Already tryed uninstall <> install.
>> Any trick here?
>> Thanks a lot.
>> Gustavo.
>> BTW: Its currently working on my fedora1. This is the last thing I need
>> to
>> fix to upgrade.
> How sure are you that selinux is disabled (my normal snmpd stuff also
> does not work with selinux).
> After adjusting /etc/sysconfig/selinux  (set SELINUX=disabled) you would
> need to reboot to make the change effect.
> You can test with this command:
> getenforce
> If it says disabled or permissive, you should be OK.
> If it says enforcing ... issue this command:
> setenforce 0
> Then look again with getenforce.
> You still need to adjust /etc/sysconfig/selinux to make the changes last
> for a reboot.
> Thanks,
> Johnny Hughes