[CentOS] Centos issues

Sat Apr 12 14:28:07 UTC 2008
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

hamood Iqbal wrote:
> Thanks a ot john,
> i installed yumex and it works perfect.
> after installing yumex centos package manager is also working.
> still confused how to add dvd as repo
> i found the CentOS-Media.repo  can you just tell me how to add centos
> dvd which is in E: drive to this file.
> Thanks a lot . and  your are rite abt suse . i hope i never have to go back.

Firstly ... installing from the DVD is problematic, as there are 
continually updates being added between releases of the DVD and you 
should really install from the Internet (or a locally updated mirror) 
instead using the defualt Yumex or yum configs.

What this means is that packages from the DVD "Might Not Work" if you 
have done any updates at all since the install.  (If foo-1.1.1 was on 
the DVD and we have released foo-1.1.2 as an update ... and if bar-1.1.1 
is on the DVD and it needs foo-1.1.1 ... but bar-1.1.2 is also an update 
... and if you try to install bar-1.1.1 from the DVD it will not 
install.  However, yum install bar (which will get bar-1.1.2 from 
updates) will work.

SO ... after install (if you have done any updates), you should not use 
the DVD for installing packages any more as it is just a point in time 
copy of the bigger tree.

If you insist on doing it anyway, it should work if you do this:

yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=c5-media install <package>

substitute the packages you want to install for <package>

Johnny Hughes

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