[CentOS] GNOME issue. Seeking Guidance.

Mon Apr 14 23:49:56 UTC 2008
Craig White <craig at tobyhouse.com>

On Mon, 2008-04-14 at 15:47 -0400, Christy.New at cancer.org wrote:
> Below is what has been documented on this issue, and I am needing further
> guidance.  Essetially, I am running in GNOME, but it isn't working
> properly.  Can some one help.
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
> |I am new to the Centos ISO and was looking for a forum, when I came across this. If it isn't something you can help,  |
> |can you help point me in the right direction? Here are the answers you requested from me:                             |
> |                                                                                                                      |
> |I go to the applications menu at the top left and click to pull down                                                  |
> |I click on Add/Remove Software but nothing happens.                                                                   |
> |                                                                                                                      |
> |I am using GNOME                                                                                                      |
> |                                                                                                                      |
> |I go to the system menu at the top left and click to pull down, and then click admin and then click network. Nothing  |
> |happens.                                                                                                              |
> |                                                                                                                      |
> |It is like the GNOME is not working properly. It did work until I pulled down the software updates after the initial  |
> |intstallation.                                                                                                        |
> |                                                                                                                      |
> |Again, thank you.                                                                                                     |
> |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|

pirut is the package manager and it could a number of things that could
cause that...perhaps a problem with the rpmdb or a problem with your
python installation...

First...make sure that there isn't a copy of yum or pirut running...

service yum-updatesd stop

ps aux|grep pirut
and kill whatever process shows up...
ps aux|grep yum
and kill whatever process shows up

then, perhaps just to clean up your rpmdb...

rm /var/lib/rpm/__db* # and answer yes to delete each one

then rebuild the db...

rpm --rebuilddb

Then after all that, you might try pirut again...I would venture to
guess that most of us don't use the GUI package manager.

Is Zenoss running? that uses python so if it's running, python would
seem to be working.

The logs are your friend.../var/log/messages is where most of this stuff
will be logged.
