[CentOS] clamav update broken?

Sat Apr 19 11:26:43 UTC 2008
Anne Wilson <cannewilson at googlemail.com>

On Saturday 19 April 2008 12:18:13 Johnny Hughes wrote:
> Anne Wilson wrote:
> > Yesterday and today I've seen clamav set for updating, but missing
> > dependencies.  Is this general, or is it a mirror problem?
> CentOS does not release clamav, however more than one external repo does.
OK, so I'll check out where the original came from, thanks.

> What you need to do is figure out which 3rd party repo you want to get
> it from, and either use priorities to give that repo priority over the
> other 3rd party repos ... OR use "exclude=clamav*" in the .repo file (in
> the applicable sections) to exclude those RPMS from the repo you don't
> want to get them from.
Sounds a bit confusing :-)  but I'm sure that with your pointers I can work it 
out.  I used --skip-broken for the time being.

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