[CentOS] OT -Recommendations relating to a Password Safe

Wed Apr 23 15:27:59 UTC 2008
Paul Heinlein <heinlein at madboa.com>

On Wed, 23 Apr 2008, Clint Dilks wrote:

> Hi Everyone
> I am wondering if many people are using software that acts as a 
> password safe.  And if so can you recommend any software in 
> particular?

I just use gpg with a Makefile wrapper. "make view" and "make edit" 
are the targets:

----- %< -----
# for viewing/editing password database

FILEPLAIN = pwdb.txt
GPG = gpg
GPGID = heinlein at madboa.com
RM = /bin/rm -i
VI = vim

all: help

         @echo "targets:"
         @echo "  edit -- to edit the data file"
         @echo "  view -- to view the data file"

         @umask 0077; $(GPG) --output $(FILEPLAIN) --decrypt $(FILECRYPT)
         @$(VI) $(FILEPLAIN)
         @umask 0077; $(GPG) --encrypt --recipient $(GPGID) $(FILEPLAIN)
         @$(RM) $(FILEPLAIN)

         @umask 0077; $(GPG) --decrypt $(FILECRYPT) | less

----- %< -----

Paul Heinlein <> heinlein at madboa.com <> http://www.madboa.com/