[CentOS] question between centos 4.6 i586 and denian edge

Fri Aug 15 00:03:08 UTC 2008
Jerry Geis <geisj at pagestation.com>

I have a strange situation.
I am using centos 4.6 i586 with alsa 1.0.17 and asterisk (only 
the console/dsp or soudn port).
running centos 4.6 asterisk will seg fault after awhile.
running debian edge with the same installed packages it does not seg fault.
running x86_64 centos 4.6 and 5.2 asterisk does not seg fault.

What might be going on with centos i586 that it is causing asterisk to 
seg fault?

Any ideas? Another thing I tried is put on centos 4.6 (debian 
edge runs 2.6.18)
I then re-installed my packages. Still the asterisk on centos seg faults.

Asterisk is heavy in threads is this some problem? Any solution to that?

Thanks for any ideas.
