[CentOS] OpenChrome video driver for Centos

Karanbir Singh

mail-lists at karan.org
Tue Dec 2 17:35:27 UTC 2008

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> Since my OQOs have the CX700M2 chip and there are listed enhancements 
> for this chip in the 903 version, I would really like to get it...

excellent, this gives you an opportunity to move from being only a 
community-consumer, to a community contributor.

start by looking at the code, where it came from, who are the people 
involved with it, who is writing it, who is releasing it, then work out 
what the requirements for the software are, and if centos provides those 
requirements. once you have that info - make a decision or talk to 
people on options, and follow one through.

- KB

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