[CentOS] [OT] Firefox loses plugins, anyone else? Bug? Known?

Dag Wieers

dag at centos.org
Mon Dec 22 22:21:09 UTC 2008

On Mon, 22 Dec 2008, Matej Cepl wrote:

> On 2008-12-22, 17:58 GMT, William L. Maltby wrote:
>> Other folks chimed in at various points, so you might want to 
>> take a gander at those too.
> I think I saw couple of these in our bugzilla now and I wonder 
> whether it is the same. Try to run 
> gnome-default-applications-properties and take a look at what's 
> set as your browser application. If it is 
> /usr/lib/firefox*/firefox or something like that, then select the 
> default Firefox and it should work.
> Does it help?

I noticed today the same thing. Clicking on links in pidgin no longer 
worked for since at least a few weeks. When I looked inside pidgin to 
Configure Browser it brought me to the same dialog with an 
/opt/firefox*/firefox instead. However I never had an 

I might have tested one of Mozilla's binaries in the past, but never in 
/opt/firefox*/firefox and I certainly did not change it manually.

Is it possible some bug in Mozilla does this automatically when. eg 
Firefox was set to be the default and then the Mozilla build automatically 
replaces it with what it thinks is its location (/opt/firefox*) ?

--   dag wieers,  dag at centos.org,  http://dag.wieers.com/   --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]

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