[CentOS] 2 internet connections and one for backup
James Bensley
jwbensley at gmail.comTue Dec 30 06:54:18 UTC 2008
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I use load balancing on my firewall, it had a spare interface and our main office is out in the sticks, so I put our second slower connection on the spare interface and set up load balancing so technically its always in use; but our main, higher speed line is less stable (because we couldn't get any further from our exchange and still get serviced) so if it drops the load balancing goes 100% to the other line? Something like that maybe, its not the greatest but it works for now until we can get a better service ;) -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GIT/MU/U dpu s: a--> C++>$ U+> L++> B-> P+> E?> W+++>$ N K W++ O M++>$ V- PS+++ PE++ Y+ PGP t 5 X+ R- tv+ b+> DI D+++ G+ e(+++++) h--(++) r++ z++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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