[CentOS] does anyone have experience with clusters?

Wed Dec 3 15:24:16 UTC 2008
Rainer Duffner <rainer at ultra-secure.de>

Rudi Ahlers schrieb:
> On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 4:29 PM, Tom Brown <tom at ng23.net> wrote:
>>> Thank you for the input. Let's forget about XEN for a moment, I was
>>> actually looking at setting up a cluster which has fail-over & load
>>> balancing capabilities, regardless of what runs on it. If XEN
>>> enterprise is the only option,then I'm not going to bother. I don't
>>> see why I need to pay for a tool which has a helpdesk and
>>> "professional technicians standing by" to help me when I get stuck, if
>>> XEN can do the same.
>> i cant speak for others but when i talk of clusters and load balancing i
>> talk of different things. For load balancing i'd lean towards LVS and
>> for clusters then it very much depends on what you are clustering.
>> Application servers, databases, mail servers etc etc. For a MySQL
>> 'cluster' i'd probably go for master<>master depending on how many nodes
>> i need and the application type etc. If its application clusters then
>> things like tomcat can know about each other and take over if one of
>> them dies. I think that the point i'm trying to make is that the
>> solution very much depends on what you are trying to achieve, so to me
>> 'regardless what runs on it' is not really something to aim a good
>> answer at.
>> As mentioned i am pretty sure that if you want to make your own 'cloud'
>> in todays speak then you may well be looking commercial.
>> Thats just my thoughts and its most probable i am wrong.
>> _______________________________________________
> Hi Tom,
> I do use MySQL clusters, but this is an application level cluster, and
> is limited. I would like to go further and do an OS level cluster.
> With DRBD, one could mirror 2 servers identical, i.e. everything on 1
> server to the other, which is even better than MySQL clustering. But,
> DRBD only offers high-availability, i.e. if one server goes down, the
> other can take over.
> What I'm looking for, is how to build what is called a super computer.
> Google used to, or still even does this, where they put hundreds of
> computers into the same "cluster" / super computer, and end up with a
> 1 huge hard drive, and plenty of RAM to use :) So, my question is, how
> does one do this? I know that I can pay someone a LOT of money for it,
> but I don't have a lot of money for this. If it's not possible, I'll
> probably just go and purchase VMWare's grid application and use that,
> but I would prefer to try this myself if possible.

There's nothing free and COTS, AFAIK.
Only building-blocks: hadoop and it's related tools.

You must do work on your own and parallelize the way your problem is solved.
